
December 1, 2014 - Welcome to Florida

1100 - Bright sunny, WARM day. Wind E moderate. Temp 68.

Flicka Tied to the Dock in Fernandina

Anchored just off the fuel dock at Fernandina Harbor Marine. Leaving after a visit to the fuel dock to leave off some trash. Had to avoid 4 dolphins fishing next to the dock.

Anchored Near the Boat in Fernandina

The Floridians, at least some of them, take their marine mammal conservation seriously. These signs are posted in every marina and at all town docks.
 There are only 200 - 300 Atlantic Right Whales left in the world and their calving grounds are right off the coast of Florida precisely at this time of the year. Hope we see one.
1200 - Passed through the Kingsley Creek RR bridge and entered the land of the white pelican. Browns, which we see more commonly in VA waters, are one of my favorite birds. They can be found pretty much in coastal waters from Jersey southward. They are remarkable flyers, sometimes gliding along just inches above the water for long periods. They dive into the water clumsily – it actually looks like they are ‘falling’ in – but they always seem to come up with a fish – which they deftly gulp into their ponderous throat pouches. The white pelican seems to always be in groups of 10 or more. Much larger that the brown, it is – well – white. Groups feed cooperatively, working together to ‘round up’ small fish in tight groups. The white, much larger than the brown, is not as common in east coast waters until you get to Florida.

1300 - Crossing Nassau Sound

1400 - Anchored in Fort George River at mile 735. A short 19 mile day. Tomorrow headed for St. Augustine, the oldest continuously occupied settlement in America. 

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