

On Thursday Emily and I boarded Flicka in preparation for our departure from Deltaville. We moved lots of stuff onto the boat – clothing, equipment, food, books, spare parts, etc. We piled it up in the main and forward cabins, stood back to take stock and, after mixing a drink, asked the age old question we all have to confront ultimately, and that is, “ Where are we going put all this shit?” That question becomes more relevant when living in a small space. Our living quarters are about 20 X 10 feet (200 square feet for you math majors). That isn’t much. More on living space later. We have lockers and hidey holes throughout the boat and somehow managed to get everything put away. Of course then we went to Walmart yesterday and bought more stuff.

So now we are working to complete other tasks, including changing engine oil, fuel filters, raw water impeller, etc. and arranging on deck storage for extra fuel and water. Diesel engines are great but they require clean fuel and oil or they will stop running in the worst places – like in the middle of a confined channel a.k.a. the ICW (Intracoastal Waterway) – not a good idea with a barge bearing down!

The weather has been – well – challenging since Friday. Rain on and off, cold winds out of the north, northwest. But today is beautiful. Moderate westerly wind, temperature probably 38 – high today 65 – clear skies. More of the same tomorrow. Busy day ahead. Last minute provisioning, chart review, etc. We just might get out of here tomorrow, definitely Wednesday. Two other boats are leaving soon. Jim and his wife Rita are leaving today and Mike on Thursday.

A common loon is feeding right off our stern. Herring and great black backed gulls are being gulls.

Stay tuned. Hopefully leaving tomorrow bound for Norfolk and start of ICW for us.

1 comment:

  1. I'd caution on bringing a lot of things, as weight could put a toll on your engines, making it consume more fuel. You guys seem to have made some engine upgrades anyway, so that would be good enough. You're right that a barge bearing down on the ICW is a scary sight to behold, especially if it's coming straight at you. Let's just hope you won't have to encounter that prospect! Take care!

    Abraham Yates @ Apache Oil Company
