
"To Go or Stay", that Is the Question

May 7, 2015

Wind blew hard all night. Periods of rain. By 8:00 AM everyone had left. We were busy debating whether to go or stay. Weather reports still predicting high winds and a gathering off shore subtropical depression. Our anchor is in good holding ground and well set. If there is one thing I have learned, it is how to properly set an anchor and properly set, a good anchor, good for the bottom composition over which you find yourself, and with the proper amount of scope (anchor line – more properly called rode), should hold in most circumstances. But fifty knot winds and strong currents are extraordinary circumstances. However we are in a relatively safe and protected spot, with room to maneuver in all directions in case we drag anchor.

So here we are, safe for now. Ahead of us, north on the ICW is a lot of miles of shallow, narrow channel. So what’s best, stay here and risk dragging, maybe late at night, or go today and risk being in a very narrow, shallow channel when a fifty knot gust lays the boat over and maybe pushes us up on a sandbar.
So we decided to stay on this anchorage today. Periods of rain, winds, 18-20 with 25 knot gusts throughout the day. Laid around reading, goofing off, doing little projects. In the evening a brief period of reduced wind then it picked back up. At 2:00 AM the next morning a power boat came in and anchored 1000 feet to the west. All in all a restful night.

Hope you had one too.

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